What is CareCredit Payment Address?

Question: What is CareCredit Credit Card Payment Address?

Answer: CareCredit are used exclusively for health care related payments.  It is widely accepted form of payments for doctor, dentist, veterinary and pharmaceutical expenses.  CareCredit credit cards are issued by Synchrony Financial. The payment address for the CareCredit Credit Card is:

CareCredit / Synchrony Financial
PO Box 960061
Orlando, FL 32896-0061

Write the check payable to Synchrony Financial and include your CareCredit account number in the memo section.

CareCredit Credit Card

You can also go to Synchrony Financial Online Access to make your payments online.

Additionally, you can pay your CareCredit Credit Card by phone by calling 1-866-893-7864

For CareCredit customer service, call 1-866-893-7864.

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