What is the Late Fee for Costco Credit Card?

Question:  What is the Late Fee for Costco Credit Card?

Answer:   Costco Citibank Anywhere Visa maximum late fee is $37.  Citibank has the right to charge you a late fee if you don’t pay at least an amount equal to the Minimum Payment Due minus any Overlimit Amount by the payment due date. The late fee is $27 and, if you make another Late Payment within the next 6 Billing Periods the late fee will be $37. The amount of your late fee will never be higher than your Minimum Payment Due.

Citibank Costco Credit Card

Credit Card Tricks:

  1. You can usually get your FIRST late fee reversed if you call to Citibank Costco Visa card at the following number:   Consumer: 1-866-241-8684, Business: 866-242-2926
  2. You should always set auto-recurring payment on your credit cards.  Set it to pay the “minimum amount due” or “full-balance” so are you never accessed with late payment fee again.

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